Greetings ~
History has always had it's dark side. And murder has it's history. In June of 1912, in the small town of Villisca, Iowa, two adults and six children were sadly murdered with an axe in their beds. There were a group of suspects and, it would appear now, that the local authorities, at the time, had their man. However, crime fighting being what it was then, no one was ever charged for the crime.
Today we seem to feel bad for children who have been murdered more recently. This crime, at this writing, took place 110-years ago. But remember that these were living children at that time. They went to school, they went to church, they played in the yard. They were real kids. We tend to think of people from long ago as, possibly, characters in a movie or a book. But they were real.
This blog details the murders at the farmhouse in Villisca and what has happened since. The house is still there today, on the same lot and appears to look as it did on that dark night 110-years ago. Another unsolved murder in the crime books of another time.
The Moore's with two of their children.